More free stuff from Club Vote Count with a couple of new updates – one for those who are ready for their first vote counts and one for those just checking things out.
The first one here to help 2024 Winter sports make their presentations pop – with On-screen Top “X” leaderboards, to track the leaders as the count progresses.
The works for Live or Replayed (pre-counted) vote counts. You show/hide the leaders and you say how many leader to show.

Show or Hide the top vote getters throughout the count. Show them as things progress and hide them close to the end to maintain the suspense.
And you decide how many places to show…. for each Award…

The second one is all about new users with some new prompts and checks to help make sure you’ve set up your Organisations and Awards completely.
Organisations need secitons, and we also need to know which sections each award applies to.
So now, you cannot save either without settings things up properly. This will help Fixture setup and Vote counts run more smoothly.